It started with an idea

We always wanted to live a more self-sustaining lifestyle, but our schedule and locations always prohibited it.

In March of 2020 we made the crazy decision to buy some chickens. We bought 4 ISA Brown chickens, which was the maximum allowed in our subdivision. These lovely ladies ended up giving us 4 eggs almost every day for the next year and a half. We also tried our hand with a couple of Cornish Cross chickens in 2021, which showed us the real flavor of home-raised meat.

Fast-forward to 2023, and we decided that the few chickens that we were allowed and our small garden in the suburbs was a good start, but that we wanted more. We added rabbits to our urban 'farm', and decided that we wanted to add even more animals that our lot would not support. And so we bought ourselves a small farm an hour west of St Louis. We put in a small garden, and tried our hands at growing pumpkins. Then we increased the variety of our animals to include ducks, geese, and turkeys!

That's how we got here, in a nutshell. Stay tuned for more as everything here grows In God's Thyme!